Wednesday 1 March 2017

Again Amaechi’s aide replies Reno: “You’re a zookeeper; answer my questions, don’t write about lions, monkeys”

The end is not yet heard about the verbal altercations between the Minister of Transport, Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi’s aide, Mr. David Iyofor and the Ex-President Goodluck Jonathan’s aide, Reno Omokri over the alleged maladministration of the past government as Amaechi’s aide has, in a second letter to Omokri, asked him to answer the questions he raised in his first epistle rather than being like “an excited new zookeeper…who childishly and unintelligibly writes about lions, monkeys, lizards and alligators in a manner sane people cannot fathom.”

In the second letter titled, “Before It Is Too Late: My Second Epistle To Bitter Wendell Smilin aka Reno Omokri,” Mr. Iyofor said he is deeply troubled by Reno’s state of mind especially at the “intensely bitter obsession with infinite sadness” he showed in his earlier reply to his first letter, saying “whoever spews that kind of garbage you wrote truly and urgently needs help, psychiatric and perhaps spiritual help.”

Recall that Omokri had in his reply article to Iyofor’s first letter said the Transport Minister, Rotimi Amaechi is “ a decorated monkey only loyal to his stomach.” He also said Amaechi is a “pot-bellied monkey” that perhaps will retire to Daura with President Muhammadu Buhari to become his house servant since he is not welcomed in his hometown in Rivers state.

Omokri was responding to Iyofor’s first epistle that said he(Omokri) is “like a mad man in the market square that points his fingers at sane people, calling them mad.,”
But in the second letter, Mr. Iyofor said The Transport Minister will not stoop to joining Reno Omokri in the exchange of verbal salvos and neither would he(Iyofor) will join him(Omokri) in exchanging derogatory words. He said, instead, he(Iyofor) is calling on Omokri’s family members, friends and well-wishers to urgently rescue him from “self-destructive voyage of hate, bitterness, anger and misplaced vengeance against Rotimi Amaechi, before it is too late.”
“My Dear Wendell Smilin aka Reno Omokri,
If you are astonished that I am writing you a second letter so soon, barely 24 hours after I lovingly admonished you in my first epistle to you, kindly pardon me. I do not mean to belabour you with this letter (its not like you have anything else to do with your life, anyway).
Your response early Tuesday morning to my first letter was so mortifying. It’s only pertinent I write you a second one. Again, I crave your indulgence and I would try not to take too much of your time.
Before I delve into the issues you raised, actually you didn’t raise any, all you did in that utterly disgusting piece you wrote was to attack, abuse, insult and call Minister of Transportation, Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi all sorts of denigrating names. And this is the crux of my worry for you, brother Wendell Smilin.
I am deeply troubled by your state of mind. You were intensely bitter and obsessed with infinite sadness. Your words were ominously dark, your thoughts deviously vengeful, replete with so much bile, unbelievable and unbridled anger as you displayed a debilitating self- destructive hate. I am afraid you may have completely lost it.
Whoever spews that kind of garbage you wrote truly and urgently needs help, psychiatric and perhaps spiritual help. It’s far more worrisome and urgent when that person is a duplicitous character with multiple identities, who boldly puts “pastor”, like a moniker in front of one of his multiple names. That piece was a clarion urgent call for help by Wendell Smilin aka Reno Omokri.
I took you on, exposed your lies, fake news and multiple fake personalities, but you left the issues and went after Amaechi who has always completely ignored your endless hateful and vengeful attacks on him. Yours is a classical case of been beaten by Mr. A but you left Mr. A to go after Mr. B who has always ignored you. I know you crave a fight with Rotimi Amaechi, for him to trade words with you; sorry to burst your bubble-that will never happen.
You avoided the issues I raised in my first letter and refused to respond to the questions I asked, but rather took the highway of the mundane and the ridiculous.
You wrote two paragraphs, yes two paragraphs on the clothes Amaechi wears as if Amaechi’s fashion style will answer the question of whether the then CBN(Central Bank of Nigeria) governor, the same Sanusi Lamido Sanusi that you faked documents to demonize, wrote a letter to your boss and idol, that $49 billion cannot be accounted for and so was missing from NNPC account and not paid to the federation account?
Come on! If you really think that Nigerians care more about how ill- fitting or well-fitting Amaechi’s clothes are, than their missing billons of dollars, then your problems are far more profound than I had ever imagined.
Like a buffoon, overly excited new zookeeper, you childishly and unintelligibly wrote about lions, monkeys, lizards and alligators but no sane person could fathom how that answers the question of why you created a fake document and circulated fake news that sought to portray our former Central Bank Governor, now Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as a sponsor of terrorism; shamelessly and callously using the name of your brother-In- law’s innocent young son, Wendell Simlin to demonize Sanusi?
Brother Wendell, was it because Sanusi had the guts and courage to write the letter of the missing $49 billion to your god and idol?

You gleefully wrote about Amaechi’s supposed potbelly and eating habits, but how does that answer the question of whether Amaechi lied when he said your god and idol did not save money in spite of the huge savings he inherited from previous administrations and was surreptitiously spending alone the money meant for Federal, States and Local Government Councils?

Was Amaechi lying when he said your principal’s administration refused to call NEC (National Economic Council) meetings for about two years, in contravention of the constitution, so that the central administration you were part of, can covertly continue to spend unilaterally, the money meant for the three tiers of government; and that was why State Governors took the Federal Government to court to share the proceeds from the Excess Crude Account(ECA)?

My dear Reno, regularly billions of our money in naira and other currencies are been recovered from operatives of your principal’s past administration; yet you want us to believe that Sanusi was wrong when he wrote that billions of Nigeria’s money was missing. You must really think we are all fools and daft.

You went on to say a whole lot of balderdash that were neither coherent nor made any sense. You blabbed continuously, throwing up and joining diverse and different items that are entirely unrelated. Severally, you presented alternative facts as facts and wrote fake news as news.

Significantly, all these were done in a very incoherent and disjointed manner, which tells a lot about the state of your mind. I do not intend to dignify baloney and contemptible behaviour by responding to them.

There is a saying in my village, when translated, literarily means one do not wait for his brother to remove clothes and run stark naked in the market before you acknowledge that he is going mad when the signs are all obvious. That incoherent tirade against Rotimi Amaechi by Wendell Smilin aka Reno Omokri is an obvious cry for help.

Family, friends and well-wishers (if you still have any) urgently need to rescue you from this self-destructive voyage of hate, bitterness, anger and misplaced vengeance against Rotimi Amaechi, before it is too late.”

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Adhekoyibo Precious Oreva is a native of Delta State. She graduated from the University of Benin, where she studied mass communication.