Tuesday 28 February 2017

Reno to Amaechi: “You’re a decorated monkey only loyal to your stomach”

What seemed like a fight between the Transport Minister, Rotimi Amaechi and the former aide to Ex-President Goodluck Jonathan on electronic media, Reno Omokri has taken a new gear into real verbal salvos with Omokri calling the minister a “decorated monkey only loyal to his stomach.”
Recall that on Monday 27th February 2017, Amaechi, through his aide, Mr. David Iyofor had replied Reno’s previous article, saying Reno is “like a mad man in the market square that points his fingers at sane people, calling them mad.,” He was replying an article by Reno titled, “Time to question the pot bellied Amaechi’s sanity – Reno.”
Mr. Iyofor had accused Reno of being the liar who is still very sad that his principal, Jonathan was defeated in the 2015 election.
However, in a response article titled, “Rotimi Amaechi: A Decorated Monkey is Still a Monkey!”, Reno said Amaechi is a “pot-bellied monkey” that perhaps will retire to Daura with President Muhammadu Buhari to become his house servant since he is not welcomed in his hometown in Rivers state.

Reno wrote thus:

“It has been brought to my attention the attack on my person by the Minister of Transport, Rotimi Amaechi, after I exposed his lies with regards to the figure of $49.8 billion which he claimed former President Goodluck Jonathan pilfered from the national treasury.
In my response to that false allegation, I stated with facts, figures and dates that not only did Mr. Amaechi lie, but that he is directly to blame for some of the economic challenges facing the nation. Unable to dispute my facts, Amaechi has resorted to insults and abuse on my person. My response is as follows:
I will never, ever exchange insults with a lowlife. A lowlife with a ministerial position is still a lowlife just as a decorated monkey is still a monkey. Other than holding one government position or the other, Amaechi has never been associated with any private success so he is very insecure when people challenge his unenviable record in government with facts.
To borrow a line from a hit song, I Reno Omokri, know who God says I am, where he says I am at and what he says I will be. I do not need a government position to maintain my relevance. I was somebody before I went into government, I am somebody after leaving government and by the grace of God, I will forever remain somebody without a government position, so nothing a pot bellied man can say or do to me can ever alter what God has said about me.
I would rather advise Rotimi Amaechi to respond to the issues I raised, namely that there was no missing ‘$49.8 billion’ and that on September 21, 2012, he called on the Federal Government to share the funds in the Excess Crude Account, and that it was he, Rotimi Amaechi, as Chairman of the Nigerian Governors Forum, that led some state governors to take the Federal Government to court to compel it to share the proceeds from the Excess Crude Account because then President Jonathan insisted on saving the money, a case that they won and therefore it is hypocritical of him to accuse former President Jonathan of not saving for the rainy day.
I challenge Rotimi Amaechi to separate himself from his government positions and see if he can maintain his relevance. He borrows his relevance from government. He does not add relevance to government. In two years as a minister, the only ‘achievement’ he can boast of is the Abuja-Kaduna railway that was built and completed by the very same Goodluck Jonathan he likes to castigate.
President Jonathan has been out of office for two years. I am no longer his aide, neither am I on salary, yet I continue to be loyal to him. Can Amaechi say the same of himself? Is he capable of being loyal to anybody or institution without having something to gain? Is that not why his stomach is protruding and potbellied? Because he is only loyal to his stomach! No wonder he admitted spending $500,000 to host Professor Wole Soyinka to a one day dinner. Amaechi epitomizes stomach infrastructure!
It is this loyalty to stomach only that has placed Amaechi in the awkward position where ALL the living ex-Governors of Rivers state are against him along with the incumbent Governor, Nyesom Wike. A man who cannot command loyalty at home and can’t walk the streets of Port Harcourt without armed guards.
What Amaechi does not understand is that there is life after government. Whenever President Muhammadu Buhari retires from politics, he will be received with joy by Katsina people. Whenever Bola Tinubu retires, he will be received with arms wide open by Lagos people. But who will receive Amaechi when he retires?
Certainly not Rivers people who view him as a serial betrayer of their interests and the interests of his zone. A man who can sell his own mother for a useless government position cannot expect to retire in the motherland. Maybe Amaechi will retire to Daura with Buhari as his domestic servant and in house sycophant for life!
Has he forgotten so soon how he was publicly disgraced by his colleague, the minister of Petroleum, Ibe Kachikwu, when he was trying to sabotage the Maritime University at Okerenkoko? While others are attracting development to their zones, Amaechi is subtracting progress from his zone. Thank God for Kachikwu who told him that “We are not going to throw away the baby with bath water. We deal with the issues but the university will be developed. If he (Amaechi) does not want it in Maritime, I will take it in petroleum”?
Even if Rotimi Amaechi spends all day insulting me directly or through proxies, it takes absolutely nothing from me. If insults could kill, Donald Trump would be dead, but he is in the White House instead.
A lizard with an overinflated ego is still a lizard, not an alligator. Rotimi Amaechi may have left his village but his village never left him! That is why he continues to display his inferiority complex by dressing in ill fitting designer clothes bought at huge expense!
Alas, he is trying to suppress the memory of when he wore the same clothes for three days. But the man makes the clothes, the clothes don’t make the man. Poverty mentality is his undoing!
He calls himself lion of Ubima. A lion with a pot belly and that can’t win elections? If he wants to see a real lion he should go to Bourdillon!
Finally, rather than insult me, Rotimi Amaechi should seek medical attention for his protruding pot belly. Doctors warn that a protruding belly, like his, is a symptom of too much food and too little exercise.
Obviously, Rotimi Amaechi should focus more on exercising his body and his brain. Unfortunately, he seems to only exercise his mouth by eating too much and talking too much which is why he is prone to frequent verbal and anal diarrhea.
By Reno Omokri
Reno Omokri is the founder of the Mind of Christ Christian Center in California, author of Shunpiking: No Shortcuts to God and Why Jesus Wept and the host of Transformation with Reno Omokri”


Amaechi’s aide to Reno: “you are like a mad man in the market square….”

Mr. David Iyofor, a media aide to the Minister of Transport and former Governor of Rivers state, Rotimi Amaechi has replied the former aide of Ex-President Goodluck Jonathan on electronic media, Reno Omokri saying “You are like a mad man in the market square that points his fingers at sane people, calling them mad.”

Mr. Iyofor is replying a write-up by Reno titled “Time to question the pot bellied Amaechi’s sanity – Reno” wherein Reno said the minister of transport is a liar by accusing Jonathan of squandering money meant for Nigeria’s development.

In his own article titled “A letter to Wendell Simlin aka Reno Omokri on your petty vituperations against Rotimi Amaechi,” Amaechi’s aide said it is Reno Omokri who is a liar.
“My dear Wendell aka Reno,
I am not sure how to address you, whether to call you Reno Omokri or Wendell Smilin. This in itself is a fundamental problem. Your multiple identities send a profound message about your character and duplicitous personality.
For the benefit of those who may not remember, I crave your indulgence to remind them that Wendell Smilin is one of your multiple names, the fake name(like the fake opinion articles, replete with fake news you write), you used to create a fake document that sought to portray our former Central Bank Governor, now Emir of Kano, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as a sponsor of terrorism in 2014 when you worked as the lead social media attack dog for former President Goodluck Jonathan.
Your role was simple: disparage and demonized anyone who attempts to disagree with, and criticize, most times constructively, your principal. I have no qualms with how you decide to put food on your table. However, I quiver whenever I recall that you used and faked the name of your brother-In- law’s innocent young son, Wendell Simlin to demonize Emir Sanusi.
Who does that? What kind of a human being are you? You’re at liberty to sell your conscience, soul and even your entire being (both physical and spiritual), for a mess of porridge; but must you drag the name of your innocent young relative into your mess?
Before I dig into your niggling obfuscating article- Time to question the pot bellied Amaechi’s sanity- on Rotimi Amaechi, Nigeria’s Minister of Transportation (by the way, one of our finest administrators), again, indulge me to make a confession. I sometimes sympathize with you, especially during the early days after you and your principal were unceremoniously and shockingly (to you) voted out of Aso Rock Villa; no thanks to Rotimi Amaechi and other gallant democrats.
I imagined your abysmal pain, your colossal loss, and the awful, dreadful end to your Aso Rock meal ticket; and tried to situate your profound angst, uncontrollable anger and intense hatred for Rotimi Amaechi because of the key role he played (which was noble) in dislodging your principal, which inadvertently took away your source of livelihood.
Honestly, I tried to understand how you felt and that made it less difficult to ignore your early meaningless and nonsensical vituperations against Amaechi. But for how long will you stay angry and mad at Amaechi for playing a key role in the removal of your boss? As a pastor (that is one prefix in front of one of your names I can’t seem to wrap my head around), you ought to know that the Bible tells Christians not to hold a grudge or stay angry.
In your case it’s been such a long time-almost two years after your principal lost the Presidential election.
My dear Wendell Simlin aka Reno Omokri, your recent tirade, like the previous ones targeted at Rotimi Amaechi clearly signposts a dark vengeful heart. You called Amaechi a ‘confirmed liar’ and questioned his sanity; while the reality is that you are the one who had consistently lied and is still lying to Nigerians, faking documents and faking news to deceive Nigerians.
Tell me where, when and how Amaechi lied? Did Amaechi lie when he said recently in the interview with some national newspapers that the then CBN(Central Bank of Nigeria) governor, the same Sanusi Lamido Sanusi that you faked documents to demonized, wrote a letter to your principal our then President, that $49 billion cannot be accounted for and so was missing from NNPC account and not paid to the federation account?
Was it because Sanusi had the guts and courage to write the letter of the missing $49 billion to your principal that made you fake documents and social media accounts that designed to portray Sanusi Lamido Sanusi as a sponsor of terrorists?
Was Amaechi lying when he said in the same interview that if the missing billions of dollars were deployed for developmental projects by your principal’s administration, the infrastructural gap we suffer today won’t be this huge and half of the missing money is enough to build the rail projects we are now going to borrow money from China for?
Did Amaechi lie when he said your principal did not save money in spite of the huge savings he inherited from previous administrations and was surreptitiously spending alone the money meant for Federal, States and Local Government Councils? Was Amaechi lying when he said your principal’s administration refused to call NEC (National Economic Council) meetings for about two years, in violation of the constitution, so that the administration you were part of, can covertly continue to spend the money meant for the three tiers of government?
Does it not trouble you that there seems to be an obvious link between the missing billions Sanusi Lamido Sanusi wrote about to your principal and the billons of naira and other currencies that were allegedly squandered on frivolities like the N2 billion supposedly given to marabouts to pray for your principal’s election victory or the N4 billion for propaganda work and many others? How do you even sleep at night?
You say Amaechi lied and no money was missing; yet billions in Naira and other currencies are been recovered regularly from top operatives of your principal’s administration.
You even went as low as writing that Amaechi consistently betrays his benefactors without mentioning one benefactor he betrayed; and the accusations from matters that are in court. How low can you go? While you questioned the sanity of Amaechi, many Nigerians feel pity for you and know that you are the one who needs psychiatric and perhaps spiritual help. You are like a mad man in the market square that points his fingers at sane people, calling them mad.
The Amaechi I know will not apologize for the prominent role he played to remove your boss from the Villa. Your principal is gone and gone for good; perhaps, he may never return to Aso Rock as its landlord. No amount of demonizing Amaechi would reverse this. The earlier you get over the loss, the better for you, mentally and otherwise, Wendell Simlin aka Reno Omokri.”

Monday 27 February 2017

BREAKING: 105 passengers escape death as Air Peace suffers burst tyre upon take-off at Lagos Airport

The aircraft was about taking off when the incident occurred.

About 105 passengers reportedly escaped death as a Boeing 737 aircraft belonging to Air Peace suddenly suffered a burst tyre while preparing for take-off at the Murtala Muhammed Airport, Lagos.

The incident happened on Monday, February 27, according to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) which added that this incident forced the pilot to abort the flight which was on its way to Abuja, the country's capital.

The report quoted the spokesperson of the airline, Christian Iwarah, as confirming the incident and adding that there was no serious damage to the aircraft and no passenger was injured.

“The incident happened around 11a.m. as the aircraft was about to take off. The pilot immediately turned around and the passengers were disembarked.
“Another aircraft was provided for them and I can confirm to you that they arrived in Abuja safely a few hours ago,”he reportedly said.

The general manager in charge of public relations at the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, Sam Adurogboye, said he could not confirm if the incident had been filed with the regulatory authority, but added that the pilot acted according to the standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

11-Months Old Baby Girl Raped By 27-Year-Old Uncle (GRAPHIC PHOTO)

An 11-Month old Baby (name withheld) is currently battling between life and death after She was raped by a 27-year-old Uncle, identified as Ibrahim, in Ijebu Igbo area of Ogun state.

It was gathered that the mother of the litttle child had dropped her off with the Ibrahim who lives next door in a bid to get some food stuffs in the nearby market.

Witnesses further disclosed that Ibrahim used his fingers to tamper with the child’s sexual organs while she was in a deep slumber before trying to penetrate with his manhood.

“It was at this point that we shouted an that attracted the attention of other neighbors”, and eye witness said

Further details are still sketchy. However, Ibrahim has been arrested and is currently helping the police with investigations.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Manchester United wins EFL cup with late goal

Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored a dramatic 87th-minute winner as Manchester United edged Southampton to win the EFL Cup in a pulsating Wembley final.

Ibrahimovic had given United the lead with a sublime free-kick before Jesse Lingard made it 2-0 from the edge of the box after Marcos Rojo's cut-back.
Yet Southampton staged a remarkable fightback, Manolo Gabbiadini tucking home through the legs of David de Gea shortly before the interval.
Southampton equalised when Gabbiadini, a £14m buy from Napoli earlier this month, held off Chris Smalling before spinning and scoring with a low finish, before Ibrahimovic's powerful header from Ander Herrera's cross.
The Saints had been denied a third goal when the score was 2-2 when Oriol Romeu headed against the post from a corner.
The win secured Jose Mourinho his first major trophy in his first season as United manager.

When your man cheats, buy him condoms instead of walking out of the marriage — Seyi Hunter

Actress cum producer, Seyi Hunter, has advised Tonto Dikeh-Churchill and Lilian Esoro to get a legal separation from their estranged husbands if they are not willing to resolve their lingering marital crisis. In an exclusive chat with
Potpourri, the Hunters Media CEO, condemned the manner in which female entertainers take a walk out of their marriages instead of coming to terms with its realities.

According to her, there are lots of single ladies ready to jump at Ubi and Churchill immediately they decide to put an end to their crisis-rocked union. In her opinion, she believes it is wrong for a woman to walk out of her marriage all because her husband had a romantic affair with another lady.

“It isn’t right for any lady to walk out of her marriage for any reason, except domestic violence is involved. I am not talking about occasional slaps here and there. If he beats you like he’ll beat a thief, my dear sister you need to run for your life because he might kill you one day or disfigure you.

But if you leave because of cheating, then you’re the most foolish person alive and you’re not going by the Holy Bible. The Bible says man shall not live by bread alone. You don’t expect him to eat Egusi soup the rest of his life; he has to eat Afang, Ogbono, etc, once in a while.

Let’s not forget men are polygamous in nature, it’s been there right from the days of Abraham and it cannot be changed”, she said. She continued “The way entertainers are ending their marriage is alarming. Is it that Ubi Franklin is a wife beater or Lilian Esoro left because he’s a chronic womanizer? Same goes for Tonto Dikeh and Churchill. If these ladies left their marriages for the latter, it means this generation is worse than I thought, because we’ve lost it.

“No patience, understanding or endurance to allow the man test the waters once in a while. I hope they settle their issues, but if they won’t, let them hurry with the divorce, so that single girls can make their moves on these guys. Before the women eat me raw, women are not allowed to cheat.
The men are to love us, care for us, support us in everything and provide for us, while we do all these and more for them. Every smart woman will provide her man with condoms and lubrication and pray that the Holy Spirit guides them to use it on their side chicks, so they don’t bring infection home to us.”


Saturday 25 February 2017

Nigeria Break Up Imminent, Oduduwa Republic Inevitable By Bayo Oluwasanmi

In our present political predicament, we have three options: a federalism with an all-powerful central government, a decentralized federal government, and a fragmented Nigeria supplanted by separation. The first option of a powerful and tyrannical federal government is what we have now. The second option of a true centralized federalism is being rejected, rebuffed, and resisted. But Nigeria is headed for the third option – fragmentation and separation.
The imminent possible break up of Nigeria brings on the bone-shaking shivers doctors call rigors. Many writers have detailed how Nigeria is bursting at the seams with ethno-religious, political and economic problems waiting to explode. However, the apostles of one Nigeria have repeatedly denied or dismissed the notion and tried to nudge us out of that zone. By definition, a failed state is one that has simply ceased to function. Going by this definition, Nigeria is a failed state because nothing works in Nigeria. Nigeria is a divided nation. Nigeria is a collapsed state and her break up is imminent. The signs are all over the place: an Oduduwa Republic for the Yorubas is inevitable.
I believe there is a very strong case for Oduduwa Republic for the benefits for both the historic rivalry between east and west, north and south, oil states and non-oil states, Christian and Muslims communities, democrats and autocrats, soldiers and citizens that have bedeviled Nigeria since its founding are pulling us apart to the extreme. We're closer to the breaking point. The elements of traditional prejudice of the three major ethnic groups – Igbo, Hausa, and Yoruba – continue to ignite enmity, distrust, and hatred. The three groups have remained incontestably hostile – forever. Today, there is more animosity than there is collegiality. The three groups are full of expression of self-hate, suspicion, and intolerant of each other.
Our history proves that ethnic unity is more of a dusty artifact of an ancient political arrangement than the outcome of genuine political incorporation or enhanced cohesion among the different ethnic groups. The fragile state of affairs has been held together by a tsunami of lies and misrepresentations in whose wake the country is reeling perpetually. Successive governments were dominated by evil and murderous perpetrators of crimes. Ethnic fragmentation and persistent hotbeds of political criminality were encouraged and sponsored by the rulers. As a result, we were submerged in ethnic hatred and rabid nationalism that swept throughout the nation like a disease.
The absence of a true democracy to ensure devolution of federal power is a powerful incentive against unity and cooperation. Nigeria is convulsed by internal violence. It can no longer deliver positive political goods to her citizens. The government is fast losing legitimacy. The government has become illegitimate in the eyes and hearts of a growing plurality of 180 million Nigerians. Nigeria sinks deeper and deeper into chaos and calamity. The north-south divide remains the greatest obstacle to a strengthened democracy and a workable union. We're battling economic confusion, continued corruption, prolonged poverty, and sustained mismanagement. The scale of corruption dwarfs any brazen robbery of public treasury in recent memory. Our world has been turned into a medieval hellscape. Corruption flourishes on unusually destructive scale. Our corrupt ruling class mostly invest their loots overseas, not at home, making the economic failure of the country much more acute.
Our rulers siphon funds from the state coffers. They dip directly into the coffers of the shrinking state to pay for lavish residences and palaces, extensive overseas travel, and privileges and perquisites that feed their greed.  Nigeria has failed to grow economically and its citizens have failed to flourish. For many years, Nigerians have been trapped in an irreversible debilitating cycle of poverty and hopelessness. The paralysis of our democratic structures has illuminated further the mockery and the failure of our democracy. The twice forgotten man in Nigeria has always been the poor. The government response to the abject poverty that has defined the lives of the poor is zero. Our political leaders are not chosen on the merit of mass support. Most are selected by god fathers, elevated to position, supplied with resources and, as expected, subjected to the king maker’s control.
The Presidency and the National Assembly are inarticulate giants with uneasy gait, subjected to abuse and confuse in their responses to national issues. Checks and balances that are part of a healthy democracy have been deleted in our system. It’s no surprise that our representative democracy is nothing but a disguise in name. It is no exaggeration to say that there are no legislatures in Nigeria. If they exist at all, they are rubber-stamp machines. Our judiciary is a derivative of the executive rather than being independent. Nigerians know that they cannot rely on the court system for redress or remedy. The mass poor of our people nurtures a healthy suspicion toward these manufactured leaders. It’s an open secret that money is the chief argument these leaders are offering to induce and buy loyalty. These manufactured leaders lack personal integrity, commitment, and ability. Tragically, they’re not fighters for a new life for our people but figureheads of the old.
They are not impressive or illustrious to their constituents. We’re all too familiar with their impotence and remoteness from the problems that have made life unlivable for the people they profess to represent. Many in their constituencies are among the legions of the lost and have been crushed by the weight of many years of poverty. These leaders do not evoke affection, respect, and emulation. Our democracy have slid towards autocracy, maintaining the outward appearance of democracy through elections, but without the rights and institutions that are equally important aspects of a functioning democratic system. Our constitution is not robust enough to promote long-term stability, reduce discontent from minorities against the government, and bolster the fight against corruption.
Our democratic system is based on economic coercion. People are forced to do what they don’t want to do. The effect of this is lack of innovation and technological progress. Our bureaucracy has long ago lost its sense of professional responsibility and exists solely to carry out the order of the executive, and in many ways oppress Nigerians. We have deteriorated or destroyed infrastructures. Our education and health systems and other public facilities are decrepit or neglected. Civil servants are paid late or not at all. Economic opportunity is only for a privileged few. Those around the president or around the governors grow richer while the rest of us starve. Our economic insecurity is engineered by our rulers in order to maximize their own fortunes and their own political and economic power. Unemployment is dangerously high and persistent. Regional inequalities remain the rule. Economic decline is accompanied by a diminished confidence in the federal system. Our currency falls out of favor.
It is common knowledge that nations don’t breakup overnight. The seeds of their destruction are sown deep within their political institutions. Some nations fall as a result of total collapse of institutions. Examples abound: In Afghanistan, after the Soviet withdrawal and hanging of President Mohammed Najibullah from a lamppost. In Sierra Leone, the long Civil War erased all traces of existence of government. This form of slow death of institutional failure is responsible for the sub-living standards in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America in contrast to what obtains in the western world. Nigeria is not going to fall or explode as a result of war and violence, but the refusal or failure to capitalize on the enormous potential for growth and for pursuing a policy that condemned their citizens to a lifetime of poverty.
In the case of Nigeria, and any other failed state, the failure is by design. The institutions are designed to fail by the elites who are the beneficiaries of such design. As we have seen in Nigeria, such elites benefit from rigged political institutions. The system is built on exploitation. And any system propped on exploitation is doomed to fail leading to immeasurable suffering of its citizens. Nigeria is operating on a tilted plain field. The big men get greedy. The elites control the economy. They use their powers to create monopolies and block the entry of new comers. A good example is Dangote cement and salt. The privatized industries end up in the hands of the elites. The privatized power sector is a case in point. These elites with their fraudulent companies received protection from the state, got government contracts, and large bank loans without needing to put up collateral.
The greedy big men and their businesses could be described as “whales.” Their stranglehold on our economy had created huge windfalls for them and blocked opportunities for the vast mass of Nigerians to move out of poverty. A successful economy must have effective government. Law and order and the mechanisms for resolving disputes are possible and applicable in a truly democratic system with apparatus of enforcing the laws. Nigeria is yet to create or operate on a set of nationally respected laws or rules. Without a responsible and responsive central government, there can be no law and order. Without law and order, there can be no real economy. And without a real economy, a country is doomed to fail.
I believe it is too late to save Nigeria. Our union for the past 57 years or so, has produced no progress, no peace, and no prosperity. At this juncture in our history, it's going to be what Allen Buchanan, the author of Secession: The Morality of Political Divorce From Fort Sumter to Lithuania and Quebec calls sauve qui peut secession - “let him save himself who can.” The federal government cannot save the union. It fuels the separatist thinking by being deaf and unresponsive to the cries of the people. The fact that secession is a marginal idea today doesn't mean it won't ever come to pass.
Nigeria is no one nation and it's negotiable. If nothing else cause a mass revolt, corruption epidemic and endemic poverty could yank everything apart. The Old West made up of Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Oshun, Ekiti, Edo, and the old Kwara States, have the economic means to support itself as an independent country – Oduduwa Republic. Rather than fight the inevitable, the federal government should toss out the idea of Nigeria is not negotiable. I believe the best option is for the three major ethnic groups to go their separate ways. Yorubas are ready and prepared to go. Nigeria will witness the birth of Oduduwa Republic.
Nigeria is a country divided against itself it cannot stand. Nigeria is virtually bankrupt. The central government is out of control. The clamor for separation is the manifestation of a nation grounded as it were, without no hope of moving forward after 57 years. Our slavish loyalty to the central government that takes over everything must end. All constitutional methods should be exhausted before the Yoruba people invoke the principle of self-determination. Our 57 years of stagnation, suffering, oppression, exclusion, fear and insecurity would be our guide. Sentiments may mislead us. The deep disdain for the federal government really spurs the agitation for separation: it is bloated, inefficient, ineffective, unresponsive, irresponsible, and lopsided. If Nigeria was a business, it would have folded decades ago. The sad truth is that it can never be fixed. It has gotten worse. It would continue to get worse. There is no ray of hope in the horizon.
The Old West peaked as a region many decades ago – first in everything progressive. You know them I don't need to list them. The type of Constitution we operate and the kind of federalism we practice made it possible for the breeding of a generation of crooks, thieves, hooligans, touts, jejune, and other abominable personalities as professional politicians that run the center and the states. The federal government is nothing but a ball and  chain around the legs of progressives. The Old West should separate and leave the regressive and backward looking federal government to continue to wallow in pettiness and self destruction. Our separation from the rest of the country is in accord with the principle of self-determination. By going our separate ways, I believe we could dramatically do away with the tension, hatred, jealousies, acrimonious rancor, hostility, among the three main ethnic groups. To continue to force the three groups to live together under one nation is dangerous and undesirable. Let's take the pressure out of the balloon asap and try not to force-fill it beyond its breaking point.
Our separation is not illegal. We would separate with the approval of other part or parts of the federation which will like to leave as well. We'll leave legally and peacefully with airtight conviction not only to our Yoruba people, but to the rest of the country. The Constitution does not explicitly prohibit separation. The present arrangement of the federal system makes no sense because it keeps away real power and real responsibility from both the state and local levels which are closer to the individual voter, and may more readily be held truly responsible. The crazy-guilt patchwork of the federal government is insane to say the least. We have failed through meaningful moves such as the National Convention which would have addressed the present madness as to structure and power. If majority of Nigerians believes in democracy, that power resides in the citizens, then separation should be a real option.
Yorubas are just plain disgusted with the lame responses to problems that Abuja seems undisturbed. We are sick and tired of Abuja's constant state of do-nothing. Nigerians in general and Yorubas in particular, are slowly becoming aware that there is a better way to live and this is not it. Yorubas have suffered a lot from the hands of monopolists of  the central government. I believe there is a very strong case for Oduduwa Republic. I recall with sadness the assassination, murder, persecution, and incarceration of majority of Yorubas who were NADECO members  by the brute dictator Sanni Abacha. To cap it all, the first ever freest and fairest election in Nigeria won by a Yoruba – MKO Abiola – was annulled by Hausa-Fulani because a Yoruba won the election. As anyone who has been through divorce knows, the ultimate goal of being free from the other person is the huge motivator to get it done. We're already three nations – separate, hostile, and unequal – that happens to live on the same continent! And we just can't stand one another.
Our separation will not lead to another civil war. Times are different now. We should be discussing how to dismantle the country and let each group go its own way instead of advocating for a restructure that will be diluted and watered down, that will not make any difference at the end of the day. As a nation, we have gone down the wrong path with all that's wrong with bad central government. For the Yoruba people, we would act to realize the only option that looks viable and doable to take our destiny on our hands. And that's having our own country.

Friday 24 February 2017

Ronaldo emerges first world sportsman with 200m fans on social media

Cristiano Ronaldo is most definitely light years ahead of his rival, Lionel Messi, at least in  the social media.

A report released by HookIt – a company dedicated to monitoring accounts for sports stars and organisations – claims Ronaldo has become the first sportsman in the world to break the 200,000,000-follower mark across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Given Messi has not even registered himself on Twitter as yet, it’s little surprise that the Portuguese is miles in front of the Argentinian, but it’s only when Ronaldo’s reach is compared to other major international figureheads within the global sporting community that the scope of his online presence is truly understood.

According to the HookIt report, Ronaldo has more followers than all the teams and players currently competing in MLS combined and three times more than the entirety of Major League Baseball.

The former Manchester United man accrues an average of 137,000 new followers across social media each day, with more than half of his audience coming via the star’s Facebook page – which currently has close to 107million likes.

Ronaldo’s reach is significantly wider than Messi, whose Facebook and Instagram accounts leave him with less than two-thirds of the Real forward’s tally, while there are few other footballers to rival Ronaldo’s 40.7million-strong Twitter audience.

Neymar has a total of 21.2million followers on the micro-blogging platform, Wayne Rooney has 12.6million and Luis Suarez a little over six million.

In the US, basketball stars Lebron James (28.2million), Kobe Bryant (8.7million) and Michael Jordan (2.6million) are all significantly behind Ronaldo when it comes to Twitter followings, while the frontman has more than double the number of followers than his club side Real (18.3million) and Messi’s team, Barcelona (16.3million).

Ronaldo’s lead over his rivals on Instagram is much narrower, with Neymar boasting 43.4million to the Portuguese’s 49.5million followers, with Messi lagging in third place with a comparatively measly 37.3million.

Messi moves into second place on Facebook with 83.3million likes, as Neymar languishes behind with just over 55million.

Ronaldo still has work to do to beat American singer Taylor Swift, however. Swift’s haul of 71.8million Twitter followers, 67.1million Instagram subscribers and 74.2million Facebook fans puts her more than 13million in front of the footballer.


MASSOB gives conditions for 2018 national census

The Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), yesterday, said religion and ethnicity should be included in the form for the national census exercise which will take place next year in the South-East geo-political zone.

MASSOB’s decision came barely two weeks after the National Population Commission (NPC) raised the alarm that the group’s activities might mare the census like it did in 2006.

Giving assurances of its resolve to allow the exercise in the region, MASSOB leader, Uchenna Madu, however, gave conditions for the support.

The movement, though not regretting its action in 2006, felt bad that most of the people in Igboland did not understand the reason for their actions.

The statement read: “It is unfortunate that Igbo misunderstood our position during the 2006 national census where MASSOB urged Biafrans to boycott the exercise which later recorded a low turnout.

“The 2006 national census exercise was part of the yardsticks for MASSOB to showcase our strength, popularity and acceptance of Igbo. Also, our primary aim of opposing the last census was to draw the attention of international communities, including United Nations, to the plight of Biafrans. Although the low turnout of South-East during the last census exercise was used by our enemies and government to undermine and shortchange the status of Igbo in Nigeria, it is part of our sacrifice for Biafra and MASSOB.”

It, therefore, said its condition which would be of great benefit to all should be met, which included the inclusion of religion and ethnicity in the form.

“As every revolutionary struggle for independence has its methodology and can adapt to any opportunity that will yield positive results, MASSOB is considering allowing next year’s national census because of the intervention of some prominent Igbo leaders and with the conditions MASSOB outlined which includes inclusion of religion to ascertain the actual number of Muslims, Traditionalists and Christians. The inclusion of religion will also enable us to know the number of oriental sects and religions in Nigeria.

“Another condition is inclusion of ethnicity which will immensely assist in knowing the total number of indigenous people in Nigeria, it will also help in putting to rest the ethnic arguments of the largest Nigerian ethnic group or the major and minor tribes.

MASSOB also insists that during the coming census exercise, every citizen residing outside his/her state of origin must be allowed to leave for his/her state for the counting, this also will enable us know the exact population of each state. Internationally, this is how census is being conducted.”

Also, MASSOB berated its former leader and now leader of the Biafra Independent Movement (BIM), Chief Ralph Uwazuruike for his statement that Biafra would be actualised without gunshots.

“From inception of the current struggle for Biafra actualisation and restoration, MASSOB, then under Uwazuruike who was expelled on November 30, 2015 at MASSOB headquarters, Okwe, lost about 1,000 members through gunshots by Nigeria security agents including hundreds of deaths of IPOB members through the same gunshots in many cities of Biafra land. How can Uwazuruike who claimed to be championing the cause of Biafra confidently and boldly declare that Biafra will be actualised without gunshots, what other gunshots did he want or referring to?

“Is he referring to the former war of 1967-1970? He has no regard for the people that died through these gunshots, is it because his children and wife who are enjoying the comfort of his ill gotten wealth abroad have never experienced gunshots? Nigeria has already declared war against the people of Biafra, we have lost thousands of our people through gunshots by Nigeria Army, Police, DSS, armed Fulani herdsmen, Islamic fundamentalists, Customs Service etc.

“MASSOB knows that Uwazuruike will not want or like Biafrans rising in defence of themselves or engaging in a war with Nigeria because he doesn’t want to lose his numerous investments in Owerri, Port Harcourt, Lagos and Abuja. Our people are in detention, many are lost, maimed and killed by gunshots of our oppressors, yet, a forgotten person said there will be no gunshots.”


Thursday 23 February 2017

I feel better, Buhari tells Ganduje on phone

Barely 24 hours after President Muhammadu Buhari told Nigerians he would stay back in London, United Kingdom for a longer rest, Kano State Governor, Alhaji  Abdullahi Ganduje, has spoken to him on phone in vernacular.

According to a press statement by Alhaji Salihi Tanko Yakassai, Director General (Media & Communications) to Kano State governor, the conversation between President Buhari and Governor Ganduje was on speaker, which other participants in a special prayer held at Kano Government House, for the quick recovery of the president, heard.

It was gathered that while the prayer was on, an associate of Buhari called him for a private discussion, after which he told the president he was at a prayer session organised by the Kano State government on his behalf.

Buhari, it was gathered, asked him to handover the phone to Governor Ganduje and spoke with him for three minutes.  As they spoke, the governor put the phone on speaker, to the hearing of others.

The statement said the president expressed his appreciation to Nigerians for their goodwill and prayers, saying his condition had improved.

It quoted Buhari as saying: “Alhamdulillah (all praise be to Allah),” when Ganduje enquired: “How are you feeling now, Your Excellency?”

The statement said Governor Ganduje told President Buhari that Islamic scholars and Imams in Kano were praying for his speedy recovery. The governor also told the president that the over 7, 000 Juma’at mosques in Kano had been directed to pray for him, said the statement.

To this, the president remarked: “Maa shaa Allah,” meaning: “God willed it,” an Arabic phrase used to show appreciation for a person or happening evoked upon hearing good news.

The statement quoted Buhari as expressing hope that Allah would accept the prayers and asked the governor to extend his best wishes to the Islamic scholars.

Governor Ganduje, who was highly elated, remarked that going by the voice of the president, his health had greatly improved, while expressing the hope that he would get well soon, the statement stated.

“We prayed for Buhari to win and he won. It is now mandatory on us to rally round his government and pray for his well-being,” the statement quoted Ganduje as saying.

The prayer session, which brought together about 300 Imams and Islamic leaders from all Islamic denominations across the state, was attended by the state Deputy Governor, Professor Hafiz Abubakar, Chief Imam of Kano, Professor M.S. Zahraddeen;  state Commissioner of Police, Rabi’u Yusuf, legislators and former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ghali Umar Na’Abba, the statement revealed.


Boy claims not to be a thief

After interrogating the boy who was mistaken for a thief, he claimed not to be what the people  think, that he served as a worker on the campus along with two of his friends.
He said that he was only looking  for a place to charge and fetch water and then a girl directed him into girls hostel.
Although, the DVC made sure that  the boy was handed over to the police, but promised to ensure  that everything becomes  intact on the campus.

"the boy was beaten  sha oo"

UNIBEN students catch a guy suspected to be a thief at the eleventh hour

For some weeks, news have encompassed Ekehuan campus, UNIBEN, on the issue of missing phones and laptops which have made students sad for they do not know who has been doing it.
Today, at the eleventh hour, a boy of about 17 to 18 years old was caught in the girls hostel. He said that he wanted to fetch water but was with no bucket which made the students suspicious.
According to a source who preferred anonymity, "it has been a surprise to me on the way things get missing in our hostels but I think today, the boy will reap the fruits of his labour "

A lot of students are outside, asking the security who has kept  the boy in an office  to free the boy so that  they could  beat him of which the security  has refused.
Although, the security  brought  their  vehicle to take away  the boy but the students didn't  allow  them to.
The DVC is here.
Details  later....

Monday 20 February 2017

APC governor's deputy chief of staff slumps, dies

The deputy chief of staff to Plateau state governor, Barrister Simon Lalong, is dead, Thisday reports.

According to the report, Barrister Yusuf Gambo Hawaja died on Sunday, February 19 at the Bingham University Teaching Hospital (BhUTH) in Jos the state capital.

Daily Post gathered that he collapsed in his house and died in the car as he was being taken to the hospital.

A member of Muslim Ullamah in the state. Alhaji Sani Mudi, confirmed the development according to the report.

He died at the aged of 54 years old leaving behind his aged mother, Hajiya Maryam Hawaja, four children and his wife Hajiya Fatima Hawaja.

He was appointed deputy chief of staff by Governor Lalong in 2015. He has since being buried according to Muslim rights.

The incident is coming almost three weeeks after Agunola Omomowo, chieftain of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and chairman of Ilaje local government area of Ondo state slumped and died in his hotel room.

Omomowo, popularly known as
"Adoration" among his political supporters died in the early hours of Friday, February 3 after attending a political meeting.

Sunday 19 February 2017

Osinbajo signs seven bills into law

Acting President Yemi Osinbajo has signed seven bills into law.

Following Osinbajo’s assent to these bills, they have now become Acts of the National Assembly.

The Bills are Oaths (Amendment) Act, 2017; Defence Space Adminis- tration Act, 2017; Veterinary Surgeons (Amend-ment) Act, 2017; National Film and Video Censors Board (Amendment)Act, 2017; Pension Rights of Judges (Amendment) Act, 2017; Nigeria Institute of Soil Science (Establish-ment, etc.) Act, 2017; and Mortgage Institutions (Amendment)Act, 2016.

A statement by the Senior Special Assistant to the President on National Assembly Matters (Senate), Senator Ita Enang, read: “His Excel-lency, the Acting President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, GCON, has assented to the following Bills passed by the National   Assembly and transmitted for assent, and the Bills have, accordingly, become laws, namely;
Oaths (Amend-ment) Act, 2017; Defence Space Adminis-tration Act, 2017; Veterinary Surgeons(Amendment) Act, 2017; National Film and Video Censors Board (Amendment) Act, 2017; Pension Rights of Judges (Amendment) Act, 2017; Nigeria Institute of Soil Science (Establishment, etc.)Act, 2017 and Mortgage Institutions (Amendment) Act, 2016.

The Acts, other than the Defence Space Admini-stration Act and the Institute of Soil Science Act, are mainly amendments to the principal Acts intended to bring the Acts in conformity with current realities.

“The Oaths Amendment Act specifically enlists courts which were not in existence at the time the Oaths Act was made and which came into being upon amend-ment of the Consti-tution creating courts such as the Federal High Court, F.C.T High Court, National Industrial Court, among others named in the Amendment Act.

“Defence Space Admini-stration Act establishes the Defence Space Admini-stration, to develop satellite technology and ensure security  of the nation’s cyber activities.

“VeterinarySurgeons (Amendment)Act reduces the membership of the Veterinary Council.

“National Film and Video Censors Board (Amend-ment) Act reduces the membership of the Governing Board and empowers the Board to regulate the import and export of movies.

“Pension Rights of Judges (Amendment) Act expands the meaning of a judicial officer to cover the offices of the Chief Judge or Judge of the Federal High Court, President or Judges of the National Industrial Court and Chief Judge or Judges of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory.

“ Nigeria Institute of Soil Science(Establishment, etc.) Act establishes the Nigeria Institute of Soil Science which is charged  with the responsibility of regulating the profession of Soil Science.

“Mortgage Institutions (Amendment)Act reviews the prescribed penalties.

“For bills transmitted but not listed herein, there are appropriate communi-cation by the constitutional authority remitting same as allowed by law.”


Friday 17 February 2017

BREAKING: I Did Not Invite Buhari To Washington DC – Donald Trump Explodes, Disgraces APC To The World

The United States of America, U.S., President, Donald Trump, has tactically denied ever inviting President Muhammadu to Washington DC.
The tactical denial came on Thursday, from the White House, when providing details of his telephone conversation with Buhari.
Recall, that Trump had on Monday spoken to Buhari, via a telephone conversation, as it was widely reported.
There were however, speculations that the telephone conversation between the two Presidents did not happen, because most of the U.S. media outlets did not report the story.
Nonetheless, responding to PREMIUM TIMES’ inquiry, the U.S. Department of State, has now provided details of the discussions between the two leaders, but did not mention that Buhari was invited to Washington DC, as was widely spread by the APC-led Federal Government.
Tiffany Jackson-Zunker, Deputy Director, Africa Regional Media Hub at the State Department, sent an email containing readout of the telephone call.
Perusing through the readout from the U.S., shows that nothing like an official invitation to Washington DC, was extended to Buhari from the White House, as claimed by the Nigerian Presidency.
The readout reads:“President, Donald J. Trump, spoke this week with President Muhammadu Buhari of Nigeria, to discuss the strong cooperation between the United States and Nigeria, including on shared security, economic, and governance priorities.
“President Trump, underscored the importance the United States places on its relationship with Nigeria, and he expressed interest in working with President Buhari, to expand the strong partnership.
“The leaders agreed to continue close coordination and cooperation in the fight against terrorism in Nigeria and worldwide.
“President Trump, expressed support for the sale of aircraft from the United States, to support Nigeria’s fight against Boko Haram.
“President Trump, thanked President Buhari for the leadership he has exercised in the region, and emphasized the importance of a strong, secure, and prosperous Nigeria, that continues to lead in the region and in international forums.”
Ms. Jackson-Zunker, also said a text of the readout had been posted to the White House website.
Recall, that Femi Adesina, the Special Adviser to Buhari on Media and Publicity, had in a series of tweets on Monday gave the Nigerian version of the discussions by the two leaders, saying that, “Trump invited the Nigerian President to Washington DC, at a mutually convenient date.’’


Presidency to spend N100m on bullet-proof tyres

The Permanent Secretary of the State House, Mr Jalal Arabi, during the defence of the Presidential Villa’s 2017 budget, yesterday, before the Senate Committee on Federal Character and Inter-Governmental Affairs, disclosed that N94.5 million has been proposed for the purchase of treated (bullet-proof) tyres in 2017, representing 50 percent increase compared to what was budgeted in 2016.

Arabi said the budget cut in 2016, from N16.5 billion to N13. 5 billion, in 2017, represents 18.08 percent reduction in comparison with the sum appropriated last year.

Arabi, while defending the 2017 State House budget proposal before lawmakers, told the committee that despite its decision to cut down on this year’s annual total budget, an increase was, however, made, particularly, for routine maintenance of villa facilities, electricity charges and overhead expenditures.

He explained that some factors such as exchange rate and inflationary trends were responsible for the increase in the items contained in this year’s proposal.

“Chairman, may I kindly recall that during our 2016 budget defence before this distinguished committee, I noted that the figure of N3.9 billion provided for maintenance of villa facilities was based on actual commitment in 2015. Sadly, due to the prevailing circumstances, the dynamics changed, even while presenting the 2016 proposals.

“In 2017, we have considered some of these factors, including exchange rate and inflationary trends, and humbly proposed a modest provision of N4.9 billion for same services and beyond.”

Giving reasons behind the increase in funding for electricity payment, Arabi explained that  N45.3 million which was approved in 2016 budget, was increased to N319.6 million in 2017 to cover current and outstanding bills which the insufficient sum appropriated in 2016 budget failed to cover.

“N45.3 million, only, was approved in the 2016 budget for this purpose. Suffice it to inform that the State House electricity bill for 2016 alone as forwarded by Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) for the State House Abuja was N252 million with another outstanding liabilities of over N300 million for state house, Lagos facilities.

“Clearly, the provision in the 2016 budget could not accommodate this. Mr. Chairman, it may interest this distinguished committee to note that in 2016, it took the management of the State House the installation of metros to ensure proper billing to a reasonable figure. However, since these bills are reconciliations, we have made a modest provision for N319.6 million for 2017, to settle current and outstanding bills as noted above,” Arabi said.

He N5.08 billion is being proposed for overhead expenditure in 2017 as against the 2016 appropriation of N3.85 billion.

Arabi further disclosed that the amount proposed for capital was reduced from N11.1 billion in 2016 to N6.7 billion in 2017, while recurrent was increased to N6.8 billion this year.

Two members of the committee, Senators Duro Faseyi and Joshua Lidani expressed displeasure at the level of releases by the Ministry of Finance to the State House, pegged at N5.196 billion representing 46.64 percent.

Lidani said capital releases to the state house was not encouraging.  “You seem to be concerned about public criticism, however, we need to ensure that funds are released, so the state house  can be equipped to do what it ought to do.

“Mr. Permanent Secretary, you need to do more to ensure adequate provision for the state house clinic, because it is not only  you that the clinic should serve, but, also, those outside.

“Overall, I think you performed, but you have under-performed. Next time, I think you should do what is right and not listen to what the public says,” Liman said.

Chairman of the committee, Senator Tijjani said: “Most of the agencies have received 70 percent releases, and I wonder why your case is different.

“I noticed while some agencies have their budgets increased,  yours have gone down by 18 percent. I’m beginning to think that might be as a result of your modesty or the change agenda.

“Also, I think we need to access funds for the medical centre, since we do not have to subject it to unnecessary hardship,” Tijjani said.


Thursday 16 February 2017

Despite our efforts, nothing to show that S’East is part of Nigeria – Okorocha

The Imo state Governor, Rochas Okorocha has lamented that the South-East has nothing to show that it is part of the Nigerian project despite the efforts the region has made towards the growth of Nigeria and especially to the emergence of the Buhari-led administration.

Okorocha made the comment when the Acting President, Yemi Osinbajo visited the state yesterday on strategic consultations.

Detailing the account of marginalization of the South-East region, Governor Okorocha said South East has been marginalized and denied federal appointments, adding the Imo state people in particular only has a Minister of state to show for all the supports the state gave to the All Progressives Congress, APC, party in ensuring that Mr. Buhari emerged the President of Nigeria.

“No other group in Nigeria that had invested as much into our nationhood can sing the song of marginalisation as much as Ndigbo has been made to sing it. We have nothing to show that we are part of the Nigerian project; neither do we have any sense of belonging in the present government at the national level.”
“We have been marginalised both in terms of projects and appointments. In Imo State, for instance, all we have is a Minister of State to show for all the efforts and extreme sacrifices we made to ensure that the All Progressive Congress (APC) had a good outing in the last general elections.”
“I know you are the Acting President and has the ears of the President. So, there is no better person to tell our painful story than you. You need to take a second look at what is happening in the South-East. No serious political appointment, no visible federal infrastructure so far, to show the presence of Federal Government in the South- East in general.”
“I beg that as the government gives subsequent appointments, let the qualified sons and daughters of the state and region be considered.”
“Imo State played major role in bringing APC to power because if what had taken place in other states was allowed to happen in Imo State and other states in the South-East, probably we wouldn’t have had the APC government today.
“Given the roles that I personally played as a sacrificial lamb in the South- East during the elections, my state deserves a better deal.”
“There is no Federal Government presence in the oil-producing areas, and none of our youths benefited from the Federal Government’s Amnesty Programme. I also use this opportunity to ask for the quick refund of the money spent by the state on Imo International Cargo Airport and on some federal roads in the state.”
Responding, Osinbajo said that it was not exactly correct that President Buhari had been unfair to Imo people. He said that the Presidency couldn’t deliberately set out to marginalise Ndigbo in view of their contributions to the development of the country.
“You said that the highest appointment given to Imo under Buhari was Minister of State for Education. I will like to equally inform you that Katsina, the home state of Mr. President, and Kaduna State where Buhari resides all have ministers of state.”
“If there is any governor in this country that has the ear of Mr. President, I will say that it is Governor Okorocha. As such, it cannot be said that the state is marginalised by the APC-led Federal Government,”
On the reason for his visit, Osinbajo said, “My visit here is in continuation of consultations with all the states of the Niger Delta as directed by Mr. President, and I can say that the oil producing communities in Imo State have been largely ignored and this will be appropriately redressed.”
“The oil-producing communities in Imo have a lot of vibrant young men and women who must be carried along in the scheme of things. My interaction today with those concerned has given the government the opportunity to discuss with the people directly involved with a view to making sure that there is justice and even development across the Niger Delta communities.”

More pain, hunger for Nigerians, as inflation hits 18.72%

Nigerians are in for more pain and hunger as inflation appears unabated with sharp increase in the prices of major food items across the country.

A report from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), yesterday, indicated that the inflation rate, which stood at 18.55 percent in December 2016, climbed to 18.72 percent in January 2017.

The NBS report showed that the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures inflation, increased in January by 0.17 percent from the rate recorded in December, just as increases were recorded in all divisions that yield the Headline Index.

Yesterday’s report stated that communication, restaurants and hotels, again, recorded the slowest pace of growth in January, growing at 5.1 per cent and 8.4 per cent (year-on-year), respectively.

“The faster pace of growth in headline inflation, year on year, were bread and cereals; meat, fish, oils and fats; potatoes, yams and other tubers; wine and spirits; clothing materials and accessories.

“Others are electricity, cooking gas, liquid and solid fuels; motor cars and maintenance; vehicle spare parts and fuels; and lubricants for personal transport equipment as well as passenger transport by road,” the report said.

The report also showed that, on a monthly basis, headline inflation was driven by passenger transport by air, fuels and lubricants for personal transport equipment; liquid fuels, cooking gas, oils and fats; fruits, cheese and eggs; fish, meat and bread; as well as cereals.

The bureau noted that the food index increased by 17.82 per cent (year-on-year) in January,  by 0.43 percent from the rate recorded in December, 2016, (17.39 percent).

“During the month, all major food sub-indexes increased, with soft drinks recording the slowest pace of increase at 7.8 per cent(year on year).

“The highest increases were seen in housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, with education and transport growing at 27.2, 21.0 and 17.2 per cent, respectively,” NBS said.

The report further showed that on a month-on-month basis, the headline index increased, although at a slower pace last month. It stated that index increased by 1.01 percent point in January, 0.05 percent from 1.06 percent rate recorded in December 2016.

“The urban index rose by 20.31 percent (year-on-year) in January from 20.12 percent recorded in December, and the rural index increased by 17.34 percent in January from 17.20 percent in December.

“On month-on-month basis, the urban index rose by 1.03 per cent in January from 1.08 per cent recorded in December, while the rural index rose by 1.00 per cent in January from 1.04 per cent in December.

The bureau said the corresponding 12-month year-on-year average percentage change for the urban index increased from 17.05 percent, in December, to 17.91 percent in January, while the corresponding rural index also increased from 14.54 percent, in December, to 15.18 percent in January.

According to the NBS, the Composite Food Index rose by 17.82 per cent in January, 2017. It attributed the rise in the index to increase in prices of bread and cereals, meat, fish, oil and fats.

“On a month-on-month basis, the food sub-index increased by 1.29 percent in January and reduced by 0.04 percent points from 1.33 percent recorded in December.”

Meanwhile, the “All Items Less Farm Produce” or Core sub-index, which excludes the prices of volatile agricultural produce eased by 17.9 percent during the month, 0.20 per cent points from 18.1 percent recorded in December, as all key divisions which contribute to the index increased.

The report further showed that the core sub-index increased by 0.68 percent in January, 0.06 percent points higher from 0.62 percent recorded in December. The highest increases were recorded in electricity, gas, passenger transport by air, liquid fuel and lubricants for personal transport equipment and solid fuels.

“Nigeria’s inflation rate increased from 9.6 percent recorded in December, 2015, to 18.55 percent in December, 2016, as a result of sharp increase in the prices of meat, bread, fish, vegetable, and other products,” the NBS said.


See How to know If A Woman Has Has a Fake B.reast

Admit it, having a big chest is a plus for women. It seems like most people prefer huge b.reasts than a flat chested one. Sadly, not all women are gifted with this asset and because of this, some women opted to undergo b.reast implants to improve their looks and boost their self-esteem, despite the danger and threat of br.east cancer. But do you know that you can spot fake b.oobs using a simple trick?

Wichooda Cheychom, a model from Lopburi Province in Thailand, revealed a trick to tell if a woman has silicone implants, using only a mobile phone.

She demonstrated the trick on her own fake b.oobies by turning off her bedroom lights and turning on the flashlights of two mobile phones which she presses against the side of each b.reast. Suddenly her b.reasts slowly light up and started glowing in the dark.


Wednesday 15 February 2017


Bayern Munich trashed their visitors, Arsenal  5-1, leaving them with little or no hope of qualifying for the next round of the champion league.

The much anticipated match started with a 1-1 draw in the first 45th minutes of play with Arjen Roben scoring for his side in the 11th minute and Alex Sanchez, though lost a penalty, he scored in the 30th minute.

However, the game changed in the second half when Robert Lewandowski scored in the 53rd minute thereby giving his side a lead. In the 56th and 63rd minutes, Thiago Alcantara scored a brace therefore making his team goals four.
Surprisingly, Thomas Mueller who substituted Lewandowski scored his third goal in seven matches when he slotted the ball to the right side of the net in the 88th minute, therefore making the goals five.

List of countries supporting Biafra and its dream of being an independent nation

The prolonged confinement of Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the IPOB group, has not in any way affected the functionality of the group and what they believe in.

The Indigenous People of Biafra are ready to give their all in this fight for an independent nation. With the activities of the group and their leaders, it is evident that the Igbo people would not stop until they have made way with the secession launched during the first Nigerian civil war.
Barrister Benjamin Onwuka, the leader of the Biafra Zionist Federation who just got released from the prison, has promised to restore the Republic of Biafra by March 15, 2017.
Onwuka emphasized that the rebirth of the Biafran agitation and independence originated from the diplomatic relations this group has.
Check out the countries supporting Biafra below:
1. America

2. Great Britain

3. France

4. Israel

5. Russia

The relationship this group has with powerful countries of the world has helped a great deal according to Onwuka.
“The state of Biafra will be announced on March 15, 2017 by the Zionist Federation. I, Ikedi Benjamin Onwuka will be leading Biafra. I will be the President of Biafra.
“The work we have done underground permits that America will endorse the Independent state of Biafra in March 15, 2017; we expect that this will come with the endorsement of President Donald Trump”, he said.
The Biafra Zionist Federation leader also revealed that the immediate past president of the United States of America, Barack Obama, endorsed the policy for an independent state of Biafra. This approval was gotten on October 15, 2014.
Onwuka said it is necessary for newly elected president of the United States of America to also implement the action since he is not expected to ignore the foreign policies of his predecessor.
Note that the released declassified secret CIA document predicted the Biafra war ahead of the time it happened. The document also revealed the impact played by Ojukwu, the Biafran war lord. Another secret CIA document approved for release showed that some countries supported Biafra in the past; on this note, the Nigerian government suspected the United States and some African countries.

Oba of Benin urges Nigerians, traditional rulers to hold prayers for Buhari

The Oba of Benin, Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku-Akpolokpolo Oba Ewuare II, has urged Nigerians to pray for the good health and safe return of President Muhammadu Buhari.

The Benin monarch also directed traditional rulers to pray for President Buhari, Vanguard reports.

According to him, Buhari needed the prayers of all traditional institutions to govern the country in good health.

Speaking on Tuesday, February 14, at Umegbe community in Oredo local government area of Edo state, the monarch said President Buhari has good intentions to change the current economic woes of the country for the benefit of all.

In attendance at the meeting were — Igie – Ohen, (priests and priestesses), Oba N’ Amen, Enigies Odionwere -Evbo and all other traditional rulers in the state.

Recall that Buhari initially embarked on a 10-day vacation, but wrote to the Senate to extend it for medical reasons. He did not specify the date he would return to the country thus fuelling speculation that he could be in a critical condition.

But photos of the president with a former Interim National Chairman of the ruling All Progressives Congress, Chief Bisi Akande and the party’s national leader, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu in London on Thursday, February 9, seems to have silenced speculators.

Nigerian lawmaker Bello Sani is dead

Speaker Yakubu Dogara on Wednesday mourned the passing of a lawmaker from Katsina State, Bello Sani.
Mr. Sani, who until his death represented Mashi/Dvisi Federal Constituency on the platform of the All Progressives Congress, died
Wednesday morning.
He was 51.
“Our late colleague was humane, principled and a cosmopolitan who interacted freely with all members,” the Speaker said in a statement while condoling with his family.
Mr. Sani is the second lawmaker to die in office within the last one year, coming months after Adewale Oluwatayo from Lagos State died in Abuja .
Abubakar Adamu, an aide to the late lawmaker, told PREMIUM TIMES his principal had suffered protracted illness for several months leading to his death.
Mr. Adamu said Mr. Bello’s illness became worse two weeks ago and he was rushed to the Federal Medical Centre in Kaduna.
After spending days there without much improvement, he was moved to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital on Saturday evening where he remained until his death around 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday. His remains were on the way to his hometown in Katsina State for burial, his aide said.
“He died this morning few minutes after
11:00 and we’re now taking his body to Katsina,” Mr. Adamu told PREMIUM TIMES by telephone Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Bello’s death came six months after he was kidnapped along Kaduna-Abuja Highway.
Mr. Adamu said the deceased had barely returned to the country after spending weeks abroad for medical care when he was abducted.
“He was kidnapped in August 2016 which was just a few days after he returned from foreign trip to get medical attention,” Mr. Adamu said. “He had not been able to recover since then.”
Mr. Bello was first elected to the House in 2011 on the platform of Congress for Democratic Change. He switched to the All Progressives Congress in the run up to the 2015 elections and was re-elected for a second term in office.
Mr. Bello, whom Mr. Dogara described as a “hardworking, committed and patriotic legislator,” was survived by his wife and children.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

BREAKING: Few Hours After Release, Biafra Leader, Benjamin Onwuka Announces Date To Declare Independence

Barely 24 hours after he was released from prison, the leader of the Biafra Zionist Federation, BZF, Barr. Benjamin Onwuka has vowed to restore the Republic of Biafra by March 15, 2017.
Onwuka had three years ago stormed the Enugu Broadcasting Service with intention to make a live broadcast, in order to declare Biafra.
But midway, security operatives acting on a tip-off, stormed the broadcast station and rounded up twelve of the BZF members, including Onwuka. He was, thereby, incarcerated for three years.
However, few hours after regaining his freedom, Onwuka, exuding much confidence, told journalists at a press briefing in Enugu on Tuesday that there was no going back on Biafra.
He stressed that the re-enactment of Biafra Independence stemmed from the diplomatic relations his group, the BZF, had establised with America, the Great Britain and some other world powers.
“The state of Biafra will be announced on March 15, 2017 by the Zionist Federation. I, Ikedi Benjamin Onwuka will be leading Biafra. I will be the President of Biafra.
“The work we have done underground permits that America will endorse the Independent state of Biafra in March 15, 2017; we expect that this will come with the endorsement of President Donald Trump”, he stated.
Onwuka further claimed that ex-President Barrack Obama of the United States of America, approved the policy for an independent state of Biafra on October 15, 2014 and also garnered support for Biafra from Great Britain, France, Israel, Russia and some other world powers.
He said it was incumbent on President Donald Trump to implement the action “since a siting President in America usually do not ignore foreign policies established by their predecessors.
“My confidence on President Donald Trump endorsing the restoration of an Independent state of Biafra hinges on the fact that ex-President Barack Obama made the approval.
“Since 2015, Biafra has been accepted worldwide due to diplomatic groundwork. Without America’s support, there will be no Biafra. Now that we have gotten America’s support, Biafra Independence is realizable.”
He attributed the failure to realize the Biafra project in 1967 by the late Biafra leader, Dim Emeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, to lack of diplomatic relations with world powers.

Ndi Igbo kwenu!!!

BREAKING: Prime Minister of Akure, two others die as they Journey to answer Senate call

Chief James Olusoga - the Prime Minister of Akure Kingdom in Ondo state, has reportedly lost his life on his way to Abuja, over the weekend.

Vanguard reports that the 79-year-old died on his way to Abuja, where he was headed to process his pension alongside Prince Tunde Adesida and a lawyer, Segun Olubola.

The accident occurred at Kwali, Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.

Olusoga, who is next in rank to the traditional ruler of Akure, Oba Aladetoyinbo Aladelusi, was a former Director in the Ministry of Works and Special Adviser to the Ondo state government on Infrastructure.

The deceased has reportedly not received his pension since he retired over a decade ago from Federal Government services.

The deceased was installed the Olisa of Akureland seven years ago after his predecessor, Chief Folorunso Davies, was deposed by Oba Adesina Adepoju.

The Secretary of Olisa /Ogelemodu Dynasty, Tayo Abisola, confirmed the incident to newsmen in Akure, yesterday. According to him, “the Olisa left Akure for Abuja on Sunday for a meeting on his pension to be held on Monday (yesterday).

There was a serious accident on the road in Kwali Mathematical Centre and Baba passed on. Three of them died in the accident. I leaned that a truck hit them from behind and they died instantly.”

He said the family of the deceased would miss his generosity and passion for the development of the kingdom. Abisola noted that the late Olisa was the one that single-handedly refurbished the Olisa palace in the state capital.

He said: “The vacuum created by his death would be difficult to fill as he was the unifying factor among the chiefs and his family members.”

Born June 11, 1938, the Olisa was special adviser to the Ondo state governor on infrastructure from 2003 to 2008 and Commissioner for works transport lands and housing from 1994 to 1995.

Daily Post reports that he was President of ACAOSA for several years until 2 years ago during which period the construction of the college hall progressed rapidly.

The late Prime Minister was married to Mrs Florence Olusoga and are blessed with children.

Monday 13 February 2017

Dangote to launch 25000ha rice project in Sokoto

Dangote Rice, a subsidiary of Dangote Group is set to launch on Wednesday 25,000 hectares of rice outgrower programme in Sokoto.
The project is expected to provide hundreds of thousands of employment opportunities for inhabitants of the rural communities, according to a press release from the African Press Organisation.
A pilot is set to begin with 500 hectares by Gonroyo dam, in Goronyo community.
Gonroyo dam is the second largest in the country, after Kainji.
Sokoto state governor Aminu Tambuwal is expected to flag off the project, and seedlings will be distributed to local farmers who will in turn plant and sell rice to Dangote for milling and final processing.
Sokoto is the second after Jigawa, one of 14 states where Dangote Rice plans to operate outgrower scheme to empower local farmers and create job opportunities for community dwellers and reduce migration to the cities.
Rice demand in Nigeria reached 6.3 million metric tonnes in 2015—with oly 2.3 million metric tonnes satisfied by local production, according to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Local production leaves a gap of 4 million metric tonnes currently filled through formal importation or illegal imports over land borders.
Dangote Group hopesto produce 225,000 metric tonnes of parboiled, milled white rice.
“This will allow us to satisfy 4% of the total market demand within 1 year,” said Dangote Group in a statement.
“Our model can then be successfully scaled to produce 1,000,000 MT of milled rice in order to satisfy 16% of the domestic market demand for rice over the next 5 years.”

Adele broke her Grammy in two and gave half to Beyoncé

In a moment right out of Mean Girls, Adele broke her Grammy Award on Sunday night after the British singer won Album of the Year for 25.
Adele beat out Beyoncé for both Album of the Year and Song of the Year, in wins many people — including Adele herself — found unfair. In a tearful speech while accepting the final award, Adele waxed emotionally about Beyoncé's album Lemonade .
"I can't possibly accept this award," she said. "The Lemonade album was just so monumental, Beyoncé. It was so monumental and well thought-out and beautiful and soul-bearing... we appreciate that. All of us artists here adore you. You are our light."
Later, just like Cady Heron broke her Spring Fling queen crown to hand to the other contestants in Mean Girls, Adele broke off the top of her Grammy to reportedly give to Beyoncé, according to People. However, Cosmopolitan reports that it was in fact an accident.

After #IstandwithNigeria, 4-day Pro-Buhari ‘protests’ to kick off this week

Just days after anti-government protest rocked major cities across Nigeria under the #IstandwithNigeria banner, counter-rallies in support of President Muhammadu Buhari are set to take off this week across the country.

The Punch reports that a coalition of pro-Buhari organisations under the aegis of Citizens Support for Good Governance in Nigeria is behind the rallies which are tagged: “I Support President Buhari” and will hold across four Nigerian cities.

The rallies will hold simultaneously in Abuja, Kano, Lagos and Kaduna, the organisers said and argued that the event was important to show support for the president.

Moses Abdullahi, the co-convener of the rally, said in Abuja on Sunday, February 12 that the rallies will hold in Abuja on Tuesday, February 14 and Thursday, February 16 and in Kaduna and Kano on Wednesday, February 15 while the grand finale will be in Lagos on Thursday.

Abdullahi said: “As a people, we witnessed the systemic looting of our collective resources and consciousness by a few, with far-reaching psychological damages which has rendered us bitter, bruised, battered and hopeless.
“Nigeria today is a nation undergoing rebirth, a people seeking a new path to higher attainment; a diverse community where a new awakening of self discovery can bring about a better economy for us all.

We have a leader who we all know is different. We know he will not steal our resources, we know he will not sleep until things are made right for us and our children. We know he means well, what then must we do to help get it right faster? We must support President Muhammadu Buhari because with him, it can only get better.”
Recall that after President Muhammadu Buhari extended his vacation, thousands of Nigerians gathered on the streets of Lagos and Abuja in a protest tagged #IstandWithNigeria.
The massive protest against the federal government on February 6 was announced by music star 2baba Idibia who later withdrew after expressing security concerns.

Sunday 12 February 2017

Grammy-Winning Jazz Singer Al Jarreau Dies at 76

He had been hospitalized recently and cancelled his upcoming tour dates.
A statement on his website said in part, “He will be missed. His 2nd priority in life was music. There was no 3rd. His 1st priority, far ahead of the other, was healing or comforting anyone in need. Whether it was emotional pain, or physical discomfort, or any other cause of suffering, he needed to put our minds at ease and our hearts at rest. He needed to see a warm, affirming smile where there had not been one before. Song was just his tool for making that happen.”
The only vocalist to win Grammys in the jazz, pop, and R&B categories, his hit songs included “We’re in This Love Together,” “After All,” “Boogie Down,” “Never Givin’ Up,” and the theme song to the TV series “Moonlighting ,” for which he wrote the lyrics.
Born in Milwaukee, he was the son of a minister and started out singing in the church choir. He received a masters degree in psychology and worked as a social worker before moving to Los Angeles to become a singer.
Jarreau’s first attention came for his 1975 album “We Got By” and follow-ups “Glow” and “Look to the Rainbow.” He entered the Top Ten with “Breakin’ Away.” His hit theme to “Moonlighting” came in 1987. In 1998, Jarreau found a fresh burst of acclaim after signing to Verve/GRP in 1998, where he reunited with producer Tommy LiPuma. His 2006 album “Givin’ It Up,” recorded with George Benson, was nominated for three Grammys. He also released a holiday album, “Christmas” in 2008.
He is survived by his wife, Susan, and son Ryan.

SOURCE: Variety

Cocoice evicted from Big Brother Naija 2017

Big Brother Naija housemate Cocoice has just been evicted from the Big Brother Naija game.

Cocoice was evicted tonight alongside Soma after spending just three weeks in the Big Brother Naija 2017 house. She is the third housemate to be evicted.

Cocoice said Gifty was one housemate she struggled with tolerating with.

Download song: Adonai God - Precious Oreva [MP3 Download]

Adhekoyibo Precious Oreva is a native of Delta State. She graduated from the University of Benin, where she studied mass communication.